Active Sourcing
becomes Active Matching

Find and attract talent that
who really fit your company – with
with hrConnectum as your partner.



80 %
cost saving



80 %
cost saving

We go beyond the usual active sourcing and help you get to candidates,
to which they otherwise have no access.

Ready for
competent talents?

Take the free recruiting check now and find out how hrConnectum can help you make your recruiting strategy more efficient.

Do the Recruiting Check now

This is how smart recruiting works today.
Our promise of success.

We make recruiting easy and cost-effective. Benefit from a unique combination of know-how and state-of-the-art technology and experience smart recruiting with hrConnectum.

No time wasted by contacts who
do not react.

Guarantees more high quality
Applicants through pre-selection.

Efficient cost management through
transparent cost structure – no
commission payment when hiring talent.

Recruiting rethought:
Three effective tips for better matches

Why you spend hours optimising your job ad and still don't get any quality applications?
The relevant target group does not read job ads. Today you need to actively convince talent and optimise outreach to the target group.
You want more answers from talents on Xing or Linkedin?
Stop writing to cold contacts.. Use recruiter networks that already have existing relationships.
Why do you so often get the wrong profiles offered by headhunters?
Headhunters do not convince candidates exclusively for you, but auction off profiles to the highest bidder and drive up the candidate’s salary.

Mario Hiss

Sales Director at cab Produkttechnik

“We got four 100% hits from hrConnectum – unfortunately we only had one vacancy to fill.”

Thomas Schubert

Marketing Manager at XTRONIC

“hrConnectum offers us exclusive access to candidates who are willing to change and who are professionally oriented, thanks to its personalised and persuasive approach and matching.”

Mark Keuneke

Director Global HR at Pfannenberg Group Holding

“At first I was very sceptical because I didn’t know hrConnectum yet. I then commissioned a recruitment anyway and they generated employable candidates in just two weeks and convinced me otherwise. The cooperation was really fun and I can only recommend you. I look forward to more projects together.”

Really smart thanks to swarm intelligence.
How we work.

hrConnectum finds qualified specialists for you with 300 specialists. How exactly this works and what makes our recruiting strategy special, we explain in this short video.

The intelligent way to find talent.
Our free

Learn valuable details about your target applicant group and how we can convince them of your open positions in our free consultation.

To help you know you're making the right choice.
Over 1500 successful partnerships.

How top talents.
tick today.

How top talents.
tick today.

Do you want to know where today’s specialists are and what arguments you can use to win over hard-fought specialists? In her newly published book, the founder of hrConnectum explains smart active sourcing and looks into the future of recruiting.

Found wise by wise minds.
hrconnectum in the press.

To help you know what others didn't.
Frequently asked questions and our answers.

What is the difference between Active Sourcing and Social Recruiting?

Active sourcing as part of recruitment refers to the direct approach of suitable candidates. hrConnectum’s approach goes far beyond classic active sourcing and is able to flexibly combine innovative personnel marketing measures to achieve the best possible result. The individualised direct approach takes place on career networks such as XING, LinkedIn or ResearchGate. In the course of an actively designed recruitment process, open positions are usually filled more quickly than in the traditional way, especially in the case of “high-skilled” or “white collar” positions. Thanks to the reduced “time-to-hire”, it is also possible to react more flexibly to upcoming personnel bottlenecks and to reduce the number of wrong appointments.

Social recruiting as part of recruiting refers to the direct approach of suitable candidates via social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). The focus here is on uncomplicated contact and interaction between employer and candidate. The Social Recruiting Bot by hrConnectum enables broad presence on many channels, the right communication with the target group and fast hiring. The Social Recruiting Bot is particularly successful for “blue collar” positions.

Why is hrConnectum the right partner for recruitment?

Through a network of job profile specialised active sourcing experts, hrConnectum ensures your maximum reach. The network’s swarm intelligence ensures full penetration of the candidate market. Our experts have a proven network in various job profiles as well as a proven track record of at least three years of active candidate acquisition. Warm contacts can be approached directly through this network. In addition, our network allows for a high variety of methods.

Your advantages through hrConnectum:

  • 15 different active recruiting methods to fill “white collar” and “blue collar” positions.
  • Increased reach and thus higher probability of finding the top candidate for you
    through the swarm intelligence of 300 specialised sourcers.
  • Up to 80% cheaper than traditional headhunters.

Why can hrConnectum's clients successfully fill different job profiles?

The variety of methods offered by hrConnectum and the network of our active sourcing specialists makes it possible to properly address many different target groups. From 15 possible methods, we select the appropriate methods to fill your “white collar” or “blue collar” positions. Our experts understand your requirements for potential candidates for white collar positions through their extensive experience. Despite the high demand, we can identify suitable candidates on industry-specific contact portals and inspire them for your company. Through our Social Recruiting Bot, it is possible to be present on many social networks and reach as many applicants as possible quickly. This method proved to be particularly successful for “blue collar” positions.
Our variety of methods includes:

  • Directly approaching warm contacts from one’s own network,
  • Active sourcing of potential candidates via professional networks and specialist platforms,
  • Cold calling via target company lists,
  • Chatbot recruiting via social media.

What happens if a candidate profile does not fit?

We will send you a selection of at least 3 suitable and interested candidates so that you can decide on the perfect candidate. However, if a forwarded profile does not suit you, our sourcers will of course provide you with another candidate profile free of charge.

How many candidates may I recruit?

If, after conducting the interviews, you have not yet been able to commit to one candidate, simply recruit more than one candidate as you wish and need them, at no extra charge.

How long does the recruiting process take?

Within the scope of a briefing, you define all must-have criteria of the candidate. Our sourcers then begin to approach the candidates. We usually send you the first suitable candidate after three weeks at the latest. Of course, the time it takes to find the first suitable candidate depends on many different factors. The candidates we present are suitable candidates according to the jointly defined criteria and are interested in your position and your company, whom you can invite directly for an interview.